Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Pug is my favorite dog breed of all time. Many people dont like them, they say it's ugly but for me they're the cutest thing!..

Millions of people in the world have found the company of a Pug to be rewarding.

Pugs history begin in China during Shang Dynasty. These dogs were bred to sit on the laps of the emperors where they resembled the looks of dragons.

Pugs has an easy-going temperament. They do require a lot of attention and love to play, but a pug will become calmer as it gets older.

It would not make the best watch-dog, because most pugs would not bark at strangers anyway, a bark from this dog is muffled and small because of the wrinkles overlapping the mouth.

Pugs, an enthusiastic dog, will dress up in costumes and perform tricks easily to impress their owners. A good show dog! There will never be a dull moment with them.

Pugs are the proof that God has a sense of humor.

If you're also a pug lover you might consider to see and read about different types of pug and the more social pugs.

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Face Blindness

I  have recently watched a movie titled "Faces in the Crowd" starring Mila Jovovich. And this movie really bothers me with so much curiosity about this medical condition called "Prosopagnosia". Here is the movie's overview:

      Anna may be the only survivor of serial killer Tearjerk Jack's horrendous reign, but left with "face blindness", she is completely unable to identify him- or anyone else. Now, with only a loyal detective's face familiar to her, she cannot trust anyone as she struggles to resume her normal life, and, plagued by fear and a vindictive Jack, struggles to survive.


Thanks to Wikipedia now I've got answers!

Check out this link to know more about Prosopagnosia.
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Friday, October 21, 2011

my Familia in BORA

My first time to travel with my amazing FAMILY.

I booked a flight to Boracay via Zestair for dates June 28-30, 2011. We luckily got their promo fare P484.00 per person roundtrip (MNL-KLO-MNL).
               Arrived in Kalibo Airport June 28, 2011. I just so love this picture :)

We stayed at Tan's Guesthouse for P1,950.00 per pax.
Inclusions are: RT transfers from Kalibo-Tan's-Kalibo, 3d/2n room accommodation with breakfast
bed warming

In Mang Inasal Boracay: our first day's lunch!

my favorite sunset..feeling so lucky i got this shot!

One of the best thing about vacation is you really really got to enjoy the food.

Another business potential here is the "braiding" thing. Locals will braid your hair for P150-350 depends on the length, style, and how you bargain.
our braided hair

A helmet diving site. P300 per person

My mom really enjoyed snorkeling.

uh uh..we didnt try expensive!

Island hopping: P1500- rent of the boat but we got it for only P1200, I thought it was a good bargain but it still has better for P1000

Pacquiao's haven in Boracay

my favorite island in Bora: Puca Beach

jumpshot in Puca Beach

sands of boracay

I had no negative feedback about Tan's coz our stay went just fine. Accommodating staff, rooms were clean and comfy, plus free wi-fi and just seconds away from the beach.
Tan's Guesthouse

Their mini banquet was located at the rooftop. Great ambiance to eat, unlimited coffee and yummy breakfast served.
rooftop of Tan's Guesthouse

Helmet diving. It was my first time to experience this and I felt really nervous getting down but later on I enjoyed it a lot. I wanted to stay longer, too bad my brothers got dizzy so I have to go up too.
great bonding with the fishes

under the Boracay sea
We really enjoyed a lot. Looking forward for more vacations with my whole family...rewarding!

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